How Primores Group works:
View the profiles
View the profiles of service providers and people looking for services. Search by Category.
Create a Profile to represent your business
Service providers’ profile serves as a universal finding application. Let the network know what you and your business are all about by creating a profile. It will be published to public and people can contact you directly. You can also search for clients in the platform.
From your profile page, people can send you their enquiry directly.
Even if you are not a service provider and only want to refer clients, create a profile, and select “Referrer”. Share the unique URL that you receive, with you network and enjoy the Management fee.
Create a Profile to tell others what you need
Whether you need a solicitor to immigrate to a country, a business lawyer, a family lawyer, a business plan writer, a business consultant or etc. just create a profile and let us and service providers find you.
Your personal data will not be published publicly. Either service providers contact us, and we submit your profile to them, knowing it is secure or we submit your profile to the trusted ones.
Digital Interactions
If you are a service provider or a referrer, after creating your profile a unique URL will be emailed to you. By sharing this link in your social media or sending it to friends and families, they will raise their query by creating a profile. When we receive it, we will know that they are coming from you. If the query is in line with your line of expertise, we send the query to you to be dealt with. If the query is not within your expertise, we send it to a trusted service provider, and you will receive your Management fee.
Or if you just refer clients to our platform, they can mention your name and you will receive your management fee.
Every now and then you can write educational contents in order to advance your services. They will be published under your name. You can share these contents in your social medias to boost your business.